Thursday, July 18, 2013

Crazy Horse, Rushmore, Needles Hwy

June 2013
Custer, SD
Our campground is called Beaver Lake.  I think it should  have been named Bunny Hill, there are no beavers and an abundance of semi-wild rabbits here.  They beg for animal crackers (which you can buy at the office.)

Our designated camp site bunny.

Morning sun on bunny hill.
Ah, 'tis their idol-god.
The area here is really pretty.  And the weather is very temperate and mostly clear.  Getting hailed on the other day was kind of fun because it rarely happens.  Well, around here it must be a regular event.  I got hailed on while running yesterday, and here's today's storm results. 
Outside our front door.
Inside our front door.

Sunny, sudden hail, then sunny again. 
After sweeping out the hail, which got into the rig from me running inside, we took off to see the touristy sites.  We started with the Crazy Horse Monument.  The work is very slow-going due to the fact it's supported from donations and admission fees.  They won't take any government money...can't imagine why they would be suspicious of them....
Story-teller and dancer working hard.

Notice the eagle over my head.


Aww, I miss Carl.

This guy must have been here all day.

 Next is Mt. Rushmore, but we are taking the Needles Highway to get there.  This is another part of Custer State Park.  This place is rockin'!



Unbelievable!  We're stuck in road construction traffic.

I would hate to drive that thing on this road.
Oh, well.  It gives us time to just sit and watch.  Note the line of cars behind us.

After the short delay, we make a quick stop at Sylvan Lake.
Ah, very nice.
Back on the road.  More rocks.

Uh, oh.  Mirrors in!
Can't help ourselves.  Got to climb.
That guys likes to climb, too.  Yes the speck on top of the rock is a person.

And, yes, he really did pee on that.  Of course it's been so dry,
he's helping prevent forest fires.


Sort of like a tree growing in the crack of a sidewalk.


Hey, she's awake!

And this is why.
Oh, my, a double squeeze.
Do they mean that literally?
Another tight squeeze.You can't tell from this photo,
 but Mt. Rushmore is perfectly framed in the opening.
Ah ha, there it is.
The man who carved Rushmore.
Alex about to virtually blow up some granite.

Nice at night.
And it's been a long day.

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